Our Beaver Project has only just begun. Help us lay the groundwork for a long-term project to reintroduce wild beavers in Cornwall. Building on the success of our work with water voles, we aim to take the next step in supporting biodiversity in Cornwall by building the case and fulfilling the requirements to obtain a license to release beavers. With on-the-ground community engagement and long-term planning, with your help, we can be a part of bringing these incredible mammals back where they belong.

Please support our appeal today to help beaver populations in Cornwall and continue the mission to restore biodiversity.

Donate now

Your donation will help us to:

  • Work with landowners to survey areas suitable for beavers

  • Undertake ecological surveys to assess the suitability and management needs of these sites

  • Build the necessary casework and impact report for a licenced beaver release

  • Conduct community stakeholder engagement programmes in areas potentially impacted by beaver releases

  • Provide regular updates across our social media platforms, newsletters and our website.

 Thank you for supporting us! Every donation will make a huge difference to our work with beavers in Cornwall.